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The year 2020 has brought gloom and despondency to many people around the world. The pandemic of COVID19 has ravaged the world: health systems have been brought to their knees, the economy around the world is burdened to a point of exhaustion, and political leadership is found wanting. Life as we know it has changed, we are all forced to live a different life from the one we are used to. Not only that, but many people have experienced loss in a drastic way; loss of jobs, businesses, and loved ones. All this is exacerbated by the isolation we are called to observe in order to fight this pandemic. Experiencing fear and loss while isolated has pushed things to the extreme. This has led many people to fall into depression. It is with this backdrop that I am writing this article to encourage you. I want to urge you to be resilient and remain hopeful. Pain might be real, but it is not permanent.  

Thriving during a crisis has to do with the ability to recognise that your life is bigger than a crisis. In the same way that a book is much more than a chapter, your life cannot be defined by suffering and loss. To this point, I want to make two fundamental postulations. 

First, you need to know and believe that the crisis is seasonal, there is an end to every crisis. “For everything there is a season.” Ecclesiastes 3:1. A saying goes ‘tough times don’t last, but tough people do’. Our lives are mirrored in nature, the life cycle of a tree for example speaks to the point that seasons come and go. The strength and health of a tree is not in its branches but in its roots. You can cut its branches but as long as it remains rooted, it will be restored. No matter how much its branches and leaves whither you can be sure that when the winter season passes, the tree will regain its natural condition and bear fruits again. Just like a tree, we go through seasons of life, however, as long as we are rooted in God it doesn’t matter how many things we lose in the winter season, we shall bear fruit again. Our God is faithful in every season of our lives. No matter how much pain you have had to deal with during this time of crisis, God is faithful and He shall restore you. You might be feeling broken and dry financially, emotionally, and spiritually, it’s a season. Don’t let your roots (faith, convictions, hope) be uprooted. Remain rooted in who you are in Christ, stay true to your convictions and let the season pass. 

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7. 

You had a life before this crisis and you will still have a life after it, you may not know how your life will turn out given the loss you have experienced during this time, but this too shall pass and you will remain. “When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25. The point is, there is an end to everything we go through, and this crisis is not an exception.  

Second, a crisis presents a unique opportunity for you to shine your light – darkness reveals stars. Apostle Paul speaks of many adversaries in his mission but he also recognised and took advantage of the wide door it had opened for the effective work of ministry, 1 Corinthians 16:9. This stands to show that as much as we go through a crisis, we also get a tremendous opportunity to do great things that we could have never been able to do under ‘normal’ circumstances. In as much as a crisis threatens our livelihood, it also presents unique opportunities. John Kennedy says, “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis’. One brush stroke stands for danger, the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger-but recognize the opportunity.” 

Tough times have a way of forcing us to see things in a new light, to reimage life, and to embrace things we took for granted. Look deep into your life, what has this crisis revealed about yourself and how are you responding to that reality? Perhaps, this is the time you work on having a more meaningful relationship with God, to start a business that you have been hesitating to start, or working on that skill you have been overlooking. Find new ways to grow and challenge yourself by tapping in areas that you have overlooked before.  

Prophet Isaiah acknowledges the reality of darkness that covers the earth and the gloom that is upon people but he also dares his readers to look beyond despondency: “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:2.  

Few things you really need to know to thrive during a crisis. 

There are ordinary men and women from the Bible whose simple acts of faith during crisis bring light and hope to us today. One such person is Isaac, we read about him: 

“There was a famine in the land, subsequent to the earlier famine that occurred in the days of Abraham. Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines at Gerar. The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; settle down in the land that I will point out to you. Stay in this land. Then I will be with you and will bless you, for I will give all these lands to you and to your descendants, and I will fulfil the solemn promise I made to your father Abraham.” Genesis 26:1-5. 

In the scripture above, we read about the crisis of famine. This crisis threatened food security and disrupted the order of life. The economy was at its lowest due to the famine and people were devastated. In response to the famine, Isaac attempted to flee to Egypt to save his life.  

This was not the first time that a famine had taken place in this land, it had also happened previously in the times of Isaac’s father, Abraham. Thus, we see Isaac drawing a parallel between the two famines and tempted to utilise the strategy of the past (going to Egypt) in the hopes that a past strategy will solve a present problem. We are often tempted to look back instead of looking forward during a crisis, we look for the old ways instead of looking for new ones, and we remain stuck in the present instead of moving into the future presented before us. But God had a different plan for Isaac to survive in this crisis. Here are few things we can take out of this story and apply in our own lives during a crisis.  

  1. God is present in crisis 

In Genesis 26:1-5, we read that God appeared to Isaac and assured him of His presence by saying ‘I will be with you’. God appears in the midst of our crisis situations. God is the fourth man in the fire, walking with you in the heat of your crisis, Daniel 3:25. God promised ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’, Deuteronomy 31:6. We know through David that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil, for God is with us, Psalms 23:4. God is in your boat during the storms of life, He is in you and with you.  

Most of us only ‘feel’ God’s presence when we are at a church gathering but this should not be the case. God saved you so that you may know Him and have a close, personal fellowship with Him. Do not neglect the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life during the crisis “He is with you and will always be with you”, John 14:17. Moses insisted “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us…” Exodus 33:15. Moses concluded that the presence of God is better than progress without God; he valued God’s presence that much. The most important thing that you need right now is the realisation that God is with you. God’s presence is with you. When everything is being taken away from you and everyone seems to be leaving you, remember God is with you. God is your present Help! The presence of God is not a walk-through, His presence is a dwelling place. You need to learn to dwell in God during this time of crisis. God’s voice is in His presence, which leads me to our second point.  

  1. God speaks in crisis; know the voice of God.  

You must be able to hear God because the voice of God provides direction. God appeared to Isaac and said “Do not go down to Egypt; settle down in the land that I will point out to you. Stay in this land.” God speaks even in the midst of crisis. What matters most in crisis is what God is saying to us: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8. 

Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ has the ability to hear God’s voice. In John 10:27, the Lord makes it clear that “My sheep hear my voice”. So, the Good Shepherd speaks to His sheep, and His sheep unfailingly hear His voice. However, the very same Shepherd says to His sheep “He who has an ear let Him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 2:7. 

If Jesus asks of us to hear, then it stands to show us that hearing is not automatic – though we have the ability to hear. This means we need to be intentional in seeking to hear God; we need to position ourselves to hear Him at all times, especially during difficult times. God speaks to us through His Spirit and through His Word (the Bible). You seriously need to let the Bible speak into your life “This will make you healthy, and you will feel strong.” Proverbs 3:8. God is watching over you; He will guide you with His divine Word. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8.  

  1. The Blessing of the Lord upon your life.  

God told Isaac “I will be with you and I will bless you.” This is very important in relation to Genesis 26:12 which says, “And Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. The LORD blessed him.” 

The blessing does not change the circumstances, but it causes you to thrive in the midst of that crisis. I know that many people look for material things as proof of being blessed. But being blessed means God favours you, He is on your side and His peace is your portion. God has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing, Ephesians 1:3. We know that no one can curse what God has blessed, Numbers 23:8. You need to believe without any shadow of a doubt that you are the blessed of the Lord. “The blessing of the LORD makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22.  

God does not bless us in relation to the condition of our environment but instead, He makes us prosper even in the dry land. The Bible says, “He turns a desert into a pool of water, dry land into springs of water.” Psalm 107:35. God blesses us irrespective of the condition of the economy and political climate; we are blessed and that is what matters the most. Even if nothing changes around you, remember that you are blessed and that alone is your peace in the midst of calamity.  

In an unfavourable situation, God favours us and that makes the difference. God’s blessing in our lives is the game changer! 

  1. God’s promises are Yes and Amen.  

Isaac’s obedience to stay in Gerar preserved the promise that God had made to his father Abraham whilst he was still alive. When we align our lives to God’s promises we are protected and provided for by the very promises that we are holding on to. God is a promise keeper! God is faithful and true to His promises. Thus, we must trust and keep our hope in the Lord during the crisis.  

Remind yourself of God’s promises upon your life. Just like prophecies, promises are a weapon; through them, we rebuke what is not consistent with the mind of God regarding our lives and we call upon all that God has said concerning our lives into manifestation. If we want to see the reality of God’s proclamation in our lives, then we need to learn to invoke God’s promises.  

  • The Promise of divine protection: Psalm 91, Isaiah 54:17, Hebrews 13:5-6.
  • The Promise of restoration: Isaiah 60:15, 61:7, Job 42:10, and 1 Peter 5:10. 
  • The Promise of a covenant-keeping God: Deuteronomy 7:12-15, Leviticus 26:9, Nehemiah 9:32. 

These are only a few of the many promises of God concerning you and me. You need to speak these promises upon your life, family, business, and career. For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so, through Him, the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God, 2 Corinthians 1:20. What God has promised us shall come to pass no matter how difficult it may be in your life right now. God is true to His Word, be strong in His promises.  

  1. EnduranceInner joy in crisis.  

Endurance is having faith in God’s faithfulness, knowing that the one who has begun the good work in you is faithful to finish it, Philippians 1:6. Through endurance, we remain hopeful. Endurance does not mean that you just sit in a situation and hope for the best; that is leaving things to chance, and we are not called to leave things to chance. For you to endure you need to stand on something solid, you must stand on the Word God and trust His promises.  

You need to elevate your view of God during this time. Joy is a big part of endurance. The attitude of our endurance is joy. In fact, what keeps us floating in the storms of life is the peace and joy we have in the Lord. 

Jesus Christ is the epitome of joy in suffering. Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that was to come. He was able to disregard the shame of the Cross because He elevated His view of things, Hebrews 12:2.  

  1. Take bold steps of faith.  

Isaac sowed a seed in the land during the famine, this was faith in action. He trusted God with his seed. In the story, we also read that Isaac dug the wells persistently until he discovered the one that brought peace, and prosperity into his household. This was very innovative and strategic-it teaches us that there is always a way even when it seems nothing could work to change the situation.  

God blesses the work of our hands therefore we need to do something with our lives even during the crisis! Do not sit and do nothing during a crisis. You need to stand and apply your mind to what God has given you. Have faith and trust that God will prosper your efforts.  

Someone may say ‘it doesn’t make sense to build when everything is being destroyed, to invest and plan for growth during a crisis or to even give when others are holding back’. Remember that we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but we are of those who have faith and are saved’, Hebrews 10:39. 

What sets us apart during a crisis is the fact that we do not act according to popular opinion. We act according to divine insight! For the righteous shall live by faith, Romans 1:17! 


You may be feeling like God is far from you in your darkest hour but God is closer than you can ever imagine. The Lord is close to the broken-hearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed, Psalm 34:18. 

You will never know how much God cares for you until you trust Him and rely on His ways. You need to cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you, 1 Peter 5:7. You need to believe that God’s faithfulness will carry you beyond this crisis: 

“I am your God and will take care of you until you are old and your hair is gray. I made you and will care for you; I will give you help and rescue you.” Isaiah 45:4. 

My prayer for you is that the Lord will give you the necessary boldness, courage, wisdom, and inner strength that will cause you to prosper, excel, and experience exponential growth during this crisis. May your eyes be opened not only to what you can get but also to what you can give. May your life reflect God’s blessing and favour in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! 

Thabang T. Letsie

Pastor at Resolved Church in Pretoria, South Africa. Life is more meaningful when lived with eternal perspective: the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE and not just life. I love reading, writing, and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  • Koketso says:

    Fruitful article

    • Thank you for taking time to read.

      • Nomsindisi Deyi says:

        “You might be feeling broken and dry financially, emotionally, and spiritually, it’s a season. Don’t let your roots (faith, convictions, hope) be uprooted. Remain rooted in who you are in Christ, stay true to your convictions and let the season pass.”

        This is very encouraging and worth remembering. Remembering whose we are and what God can do will keep us grounded. Our God has never changed and He has remained true to who He is throughout our lives : He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. He won’t forsake us.

        Thank you Ps T for encouraging us during this time, may our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you.

        • Nomvuselelo Nyathi says:

          I remember being consumed by crisis to a point where it felt and seemed like the crisis was my entire life. I could not even recognise the good things happening in my life. But this was also my turning point. It’s also a time when I realised that my treasures were misplaced.

          “As long as we are rooted in God it does not matter how many things we lose in the winter season, we shall bear fruit again. ”
          “The presence of God is not a walk through but it is a dwelling place.”
          I could go on and on… what a good read.

          • Wow, what a great testimony. Life can really be hard and that brings a crisis of faith. Not only do we question things, but we also question God. We thank God for your TURNING-POINT! We celebrate where you are now and pray that God will continue to guide you to the destiny set for you.

  • Incredible article, it inspired faith and had a practical call to action!
    You’re a special gift to the Body of Christ.

    We celebrate you!

  • Amen Deyi, we need to keep sane during this time. We can only do so if we remember who we are in Christ and who God is above all!!! THANK YOU FOR READING!

  • John says:

    Thank you man of God…this Generation is bless to have you.

  • Eric Magwanyana says:

    Thank you tata,

    Very encouraging words, we thank to know God is with us during crisis. Sizokwenza njongoko ilizwi lisitsho; sizomamela ukutsho kukaThixo, sityale sinokholo.


  • Mmapula Mabunda says:

    A faith stirring read, so courageous and true.
    Thank you pastor you’re indeed a blessing to our generation.

  • Hedron Maeko says:

    It is living spirits of God like you, who allow God to use you, that makes christianity a living furnace of hope and reality to us all.

    Thank you and May God cause you to shine and illuminate the very image of Christ Himself in you

  • Nombulelo Letsie says:

    Such a timely article. Most times we don’t know how to respond to crisis, but God wants us to thrive and not be swept by crisis or merely survive it.
    It is true that there are unexpected events in our lives that may shock us, but we have the promise of God, that the righteous remain standing long after the storm has passed. “When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” Proverbs 10:25

    Thank you Pastor for penning and articulating God’s heart so clearly through this article.

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