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Hi, I am Thabang lead pastor of this amazing church.

The decision to connect and belong to a local church can be scary at times. However, it is also the best decision you can make for your self and your family.

Whether you are new in the Lord or you have been saved for long time, Resolved Church is a spiritual home that will enhance your knowledge of God. I strongly believe that you have a place here, you and your family.

We are committed to building a spiritual home for you and your family. You will meet great people and build life long relationships in this house.

Our vision is to equip people like you to be fully formed into the Image of Christ and exalt Him in their relationships, marriage, careers, and business.

We are big on creating a space where kids can learn, grow, and be shaped with the knowledge of Christ Jesus.

We deeply care about what is happening around us. We love to discern what God is doing in our community and join Him through our outreach programs.

Our ministry leaders are resolved and dedicated to the work of ministry: They are always looking for the best way to reach people with God’s presence, power, and love.

Ultimately, we want you to experience God and live a resolved life to Christ. We want you to fulfil God’s purpose for your life through this ministry.

I cannot wait to see you and take you through our iBELONG sessions in person.