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Our Vision


Making Christ known in His fullness until He is fully formed in people and exalted in their daily lives. Galatians 4:19.

Our Mission


We are Gathering the people where God’s reign is fully experienced, and the formation of Christ is taking place in people’s lives.
– Deuteronomy 4:10.

Our Values

Truth (Doctrine): The formation of Christ in people through sound doctrine

Life (Encounter):
Encounters that lead people to a resolved life

Fellowship (Family):
A home in which people feel a sense of belonging

Our Mandate





We exist for the sole purpose of becoming like Christ. The destiny of everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ is to conform to the image of Christ and exalt Him in all things. we must exalt Christ in our relationships, in our marriage, in our career, in our business, in our children, in our present and future endeavours. God is glorified when Christ is exalted in our lives.

When you get born again, you do not become like Christ immediately. Regeneration happens once, but transformation takes place over time. The formation of Christ in our lives is not a given. It is something that we grow into through the work of the Holy Spirit and the ministry of the Word.

Apostle Paul likens the effort of forming Christ in people to labour pains. He said, “I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” Galatians 4:19. It takes extreme effort to come to the full stature of Christ. In fact, this is the whole purpose of ministry, according to Ephesians 4:12-16.

In essence, the formation of Christ is the work of the Holy Spirit by the Word. The Holy Spirit is the one who brings the formation of Christ in us through the Word of Truth. However, a pastor with a calling and a ministry with a vision must work hard for people to be fully formed into the Image of Christ (by the Spirit through the Word). We are called, “so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.” Colossians 1:28.

This is what we are resolved about: To make Christ known so that He may be fully formed in people and exalted in all that they do in their lives. Ultimately, we are resolved to live a Christ exalting life.